středa 10. července 2013



Anarcho-punkové vydavatelství CRASS RECORDS bylo ve své době, tedy přelomu sedmdesátých a osmdesátých let dvacátého století, důležitou součástí punkové sub- či kontra-kultury. A jak kapela CRASS tak i další, které na tomto labelu vyšly, měly nemalý vliv i na moje vnímání toho, čemu se říká punk. A přes dnešní kontroverzi s reedicemi řady The Crassical Collection a užívání protipirátských nástrojů na internetu (bez pitvání se v tom, kdo za tím stojí), jsem přesvědčený o autentičnosti tehdejších postojů i o hodnotě odkazu CRASS a CRASS RECORDS. Nebýt jich, asi jsem někdo jiný. [M_P]

CRASS - (1978) [7''] - Reality Asylum
CRASS Records CRASS1 (5/79)
01 - Reality Asylum
02 - Shaved Women
[MP3, 192 kbps]!Q5oSmDqC!RTho1glggO9bEYDBdJ43vDjf4yY5qfOGPIHcTid-VzA

CRASS Records 621984 The Second Sitting (11/80)
01 - Asylum
02 - Do They Owe Us a Living?
03 - End Result
04 - They’ve Got a Bomb
05 - Punk is Dead
06 - Reject of Society
07 - General Bacardi
08 - Banned from the Roxy
09 - G’s Song
10 - Fight War, Not Wars
11 - Women
12 - Securicor
13 - Sucks
14 - You Pay
15 - Angels
16 - What a Shame
17 - So What
18 - Well?...Do They?
[MP3, 320 kbps]!t8olFBaD!EI6WAzuXP8CC3MlzDApS2ktnHOJZ3vr40j_sUCl8WYA

CRASS - (1979) [CD] - Stations Of The CRASS
CRASS Records 521984 (12/79)
Studio Tracks:
01 - Mother-Earth
02 - White Punks on Hope
03 - You've Got Big Hands
04 - Darling
05 - System
06 - Big Man, Big M.A.N.
07 - Hurry up Garry
08 - Fun Going On
09 - Crutch of Society
10 - Heard Too Much About
11 - Chairman of the Bored
12 - Tired
13 - Walls
14 - Upright Citizen
15 - The Gasman Cometh
16 - Demo(N)Crats
17 - Contaminational Power
18 - Time Out
19 - I Ain't Thick, It's Just a Trick
20 - Untitled Track
Live Tracks (Live at at Pied Bull, Islington, London, 7.8.1979):
21 - System + Big Man, Big M.A.N. + Banned from the Roxy + Hurry Up Garry + Time Out + They've Got A Bomb + Fight War, Not Wars
22 - Women + Shaved Women + You Pay + Heard Too Much About
23 - Angels + What a Shame + So What + G's Song
24 - Do They Owe Us a Living?
25 - Punk Is Dead
[MP3, 128 kbps]!NsRTFAaB!M7XqtTGGXxQlFiYzYyCKr0CdUZUQ7QoOH9nAayREaFM

Honey Bane [Donna & The Kebabs] - (1979) [7''] - You Can Be You
CRASS Records 521984/1 (10/79)
01 - Girl On The Run
02 - Porno Grows
03 - Boring Conversation
[MP3, 320 kbps]!5loVUSwB!SmFJIDqm2G71-eCL3JHa4X-aPaV3X_Dqkfbb2OaszXs

CRASS Records 421984/1 (8/80)
01 - CRASS - Bloody Revolutions
02 - Poison Girls - Persons Unknown
[MP3, 192 kbps]!o0ZzjRrJ!dFDsrjbFL6szB22q8cF79nL_hGxGh-_fRM2WnfeQrds

Poison Girls - (1980) [LP] - Chappaquidick Bridge
CRASS Records 421984/2PG (10/80)
01 - Another Hero
02 - Hole In The Wall (Thisbe's Song)
03 - Underbitch
04 - Alienation
05 - Pretty Polly
06 - Good Time (I Didn't Know Sartre Played Piano)
07 - Other
08 - Daughters And Sons
09 - Tender Love (*)
[MP3, 160 kbps]!lkp3AaJT!TBH4A3hP0BUQuv08xfiLV0K3YuFh5uhzKqM6-9aD2p0

Zounds - (1980) [7''] - Can't Cheat Karma
CRASS Records 421984/3 (9/80)
01 - Can’t cheat Karma
02 - War + Subvert
[MP3, 224 kbps]!1txkUbpY!UVmNEAmfE-l1STuEqE0HknCdsepU75vHNccxNPEe0uc

v/a - Bullshit Detector (1980) [LP]
CRASS Records 421984-4 (2/81)
01 - Andy T - "Jazz on a Summers Day"
02 - Counter Attack - "Don't Wanna Fight For You"
03 - The Alternative - "Change It"
04 - Clockwork Criminals - "We Are You"
05 - Reputations In Jeopardy - "Girls Love Popstars"
06 - Crass - "Do They Owe Us a Living? (Drums and vocals only)"
07 - Amebix - "University Challenged"
08 - Sceptics - "Local Chaos"
09 - The Sinyx - "Mark Of The Beast"
10 - Frenzy Battalion - "Thalidomide"
11 - Icon - "Cancer"
12 - The Speakers - "Why?"
13 - A.P.F. Brigade - "Anarchist Attack"
14 - Fuck The C.I.A. - "Right or Wrong"
15 - Caine Mutiny And The Kallisti Apples Of Nonsense - "Morning Star"
16 - The Sucks - "3"
17 - Porno Squad - "Khaki Doesn't Go With My Eyes"
18 - S.P.G. Murders - "Soldiers"
19 - Eratics - "National Service"
20 - Red Alert - "Who Needs Society?"
21 - The Snipers - "War Song"
22 - Armchair Power - "Power"
23 - Disrupters - "Napalm"
24 - Andy T - "Nagasaki Mon Amour"
25 - Action Frogs - "Drumming Up Hope"
[MP3, 128 kbps]!hoxmmR5D!cgH0lwYIWWeeWeZLmEvYnFYnQDknUi0Y3jVOR_0JXt4

CRASS - (1980) [7''] - Nagasaki Nightmare
CRASS Records 421984/5 (2/81)
01- Nagasaki Nightmare
02 - Big A Little A
[MP3, 192 kbps]!1s41RZpb!DFzl8XM4gpUxYqCBIqgeAyhtAitNyeA4HXouY3rmFgg

CRASS - (1980) [7''] - Rival Tribal Rebel Revel
CRASS Records 421984/6 (3/81)
01 - Rival Tribal Rebel Revel
02 - Rival Tribal Rebel Revel
not found

CRASS Records 421984/6F (81)
01 - Rival Tribal Rebel Revel
[MP3, 128 kbps]!IgZUmCpT!A3ilHWwlPgErNLHTS1VH8xNMFHotCTTwY4ij_HUYDFc

Poison Girls - (1980) [flexi] - Statement
CRASS Records 421984/7 (81)
01 - Statement
[MP3, 128 kbps]!ppARFYjQ!FNWgCkHUEi837YpiHfimlkd5MboX7ye7WSzDzntvdyk

Poison Girls - (1980) [7''] - All Systems Go
CRASS Records 421984/8 (4/81)
01 - Promenade Immortelle
02 - Dirty Work
[MP3, 128 kbps]!9k4ygAjK!MvO7VjQzUuzrfGBdljWVWFjcFC8kdQnC3a3i7c3hWZU

Poison Girls - (1980) [12''] - Hex
CRASS Records 421984/9 (4/81)
01 - Old Tarts Song
02 - Crisis
03 - Idealogically Unsound
04 - Bremen Song
05 - Political Love
06 - Jump Mama Jump
07 - Under the Doctor
08 - Reality Attack
[MP3, 192 kbps]!Vth2DDJa!XL0TxSr-VJ4_AP8phsrI3BumQsR8Lx98L-HIgsaW2co

C.R.A.S.S. [Creative Recording And Sound Services] - (1981) [flexi] - Our Wedding
C.R.A.S.S. Records 321984/1F (6/81)
01 - Our Wedding
[MP3, 192 kbps]!I4wRHQ6K!OUt4yCjFTtc6CeBVRjVUPAbTCf0cw2MZYo9Rc09aL40

CRASS - (1981) [LP] - Penis Envy
CRASS Records 321984/1 (6/81)
01 - Bata Motel
02 - Systematic Death
03 - Poison In A Pretty Pill
04 - What The Fuck
05 - Where Next Columbus
06 - Berkertex Bribe
07 - Smother Love
08 - Health Surface
09 - Dry Weather
10 - Our Wedding
[MP3, 256 kbps]!FohAQapZ!EF55TTMTRBDl3RJ5d0LBbGDi5ZFwx6xejPcuzix10Gk

Flux Of Pink Indians - (1981) [7''] - Neu Smell
CRASS Records 321984/2 (9/81)
01 - Neu Smell
02 - Tube Disasters
03 - Poem
04 - Sick Butchers
05 - Background Of Malfunction
[MP3, 320 kbps]!dkx2DYpC!b8shNWo8gpsdZKo4mhkuew3liixQldZaAIvdhLvPPTA

Annie Anxiety - (1981) [7''] - Barbed Wire Halo
CRASS Records 321984/3 (9/81)
01 - Hello Horror
02 - Cyanide Tears
[MP3, 320 kbps]!ltZwiCxA!dRsGYTLClvLa-sZQ8WHRyBcxPicbdQla5wgB5euoVZg

The Snipers - (1981) [7''] - Three Peace Suit
CRASS Records 321984/4 (12/81)
01 - The Parents Of God
02 - 3 Piece
03 - Nothing New
[MP3, 320 kbps]!U9QSwRAK!BqHRLg1WPTDlM1Oqeou-NH77XF0yd25C8bbqIkwljQ8

Captain Sensible - (1981) [7''] - This Is Your Captian Speaking
CRASS Records 321984/5 (12/81)
01 - (What D'Ya Give)The Man Who's Gotten Everything
02 - The Russians Are Coming
[MP3, 160 kbps]!M1o0XRJb!YVge-XWM3V26tumymI7UZgzgl1hwh6V37bQTL4W4hNs

DIRT [Death Is Reality Today] - (1981) [7''] - Object Refuse Reject Abuse
CRASS Records 321984/6 (3/82)
01 - Hiroshima
02 - Unemployment
03 - Democracy
04 - Dolls Of Destruction
[MP3, 128 kbps]!5sJUlBpZ!fnuz4hYaMiTwJfpKyqe2NBH6zDsRBjNgyYcFzpfxpcA

The Mob - (1981) [7''] - No Doves Fly Here
CRASS Records 321984/7 (4/82)
01 - No Doves Fly Here
02 - I Hear You Laughing
[MP3, 160 kbps]!dsY0BYqY!Ff2RRVTvcLXn_nUk8xH0qFwHMx1CuyxGp9vrWcBni18

C.R.A.S.S. [Creative Recording And Sound Services] - (1981) [7''] - Merry Crassmass
C.R.A.S.S. Records CT1 (12/81)
01 - Side A
02 - Side B
[MP3, 192 kbps]!1kpiiCST!Ls_RIlUKV85qO9LQp09gMBDLkPBc4sh5H8FDG_n1ZuA

Conflict - (1982) [7''] - The House That Man Built
CRASS Records 221984/1 (6/82)
01 - Conflict
02 - Ive Had Enough
03 - Wargames
04 - Blind Attack
[MP3, 320 kbps]!p8oCBAaI!CtAS3kzzthuMVb-fycaliyU7CKokBzYd12BjFKc-TAE

Rudimentary Peni - (1982) [7''] - Farce
CRASS Records 221984/2 (7/82)
01 - Sacrifice
02 - Cosmetic Plague
03 - Subdued Violence
04 - Only Human
05 - The Bile Ball
06 - Farce
07 - Bloody Jellies
08 - Mice Race
09 - Defined By Age
10 - Zero Again
11 - Bubble
[MP3, 128 kbps]!tkIjCaZL!SVnCHX7RAQn-sME5vZpVMyQRS6kwSN8puDO4IJdMIXY

CRASS - (1982) [2LP] - Christ - The Album
CRASS Records Bollox2u2 (8/82)
LP 1 - Christ The Album:
01 - Have A Nice Day
02 - Mother Love
03 - Ninteen Eighty Bore
04 - I Know There Is Love
05 - Beg Your Pardon
06 - Birth Control 'n' Rock 'n' Roll
07 - Reality Whitewash
08 - It's The Greatest Working Class Ripoff
09 - Deadhead
10 - You Can Be Who?
11 - Buy Now Pay As You Go
12 - Rival Tribal Revel Rebel (Pt. 2)
13 - Bumhooler
14 - Sentiment (White Feathers)
15 - Major General Despair
LP 2 - Well Forked But Not Dead:
01 - Banned From The Roxy + The Sound Of One Hand
02 - Punk Is Dead
03 - Nagasaki Nightmare
04 - Darling + Bata Motel Blues
05 - Berkertex Bribe + Fold It In Half
06 - Big Hands + Heart-throb Of The Mortuary
07 - Bumhooler
08 - Big A Little A
09 - First Woman
10 - Arlington 73
11 - Bomb Plus Bomb Tape
12 - Contaminational Power
13 - I Ain't Thick
14 - G's Song
15 - Securicor
16 - I Can't Stand It
17 - Shaved Women + A Part Of Life
18 - Do They Owe Us A Living
19 - So What + Salt 'n' Pepper
+ obsahuje přílohu (.PDF): A Series of Shock Slogans and Mindless Token Tantrums [book]
[MP3, 192 kbps]!d1o1gRgL!Fi4nL2jn5dXdlfeXDLisEAYoE3Jhw2n32OiPYh2MgTo

v/a - Bullshit Detector Two (1982) [2LP]
CRASS Records 221984/3 (10/82)
LP 1:
01 - Waiting For Bardot - "Voice of U.K."
02 - Omega Tribe - "Nature Wonder"
03 - The Suspects - "Random Relations"
04 - Your Funeral - "Think About It"
05 - Kronstadt Uprising - "Receiver Deceiver"
06 - Deformed - "Freedom"
07 - No Label - "Let's Get It Right"
08 - The Rejected - "Same Old Songs"
09 - Boffo - "Garageland"
10 - XS - "Fuck the System"
11 - Polemic Attack - "Manipulated Youth"
12 - A. Gardener - "A Gardener's Song"
13 - Toxic - "Tradition of Slaughter"
14 - 1984 - "Break Up"
15 - (Unknown Artist) - "Insert"
16 - Toxik Ephex - "Police Brutality"
17 - SIC - "Low"
18 - Molitov Cocktail - "Ain't Got a Clue"
19 - Naked - "Mid 1930's (Pre-War Germany)"
LP 2:
20 - Capital Punishment - "We've Realised the Truth Now"
21 - Anthrax - "All the Wars"
22 - Endangered Species - "Slaughter of the Innocent (Curiosity Kills)"
23 - Pseudo Sadists - "War Games"
24 - Total Chaos - "Psycho Analysis"
25 - Dougie - "War Without Winners"
26 - St. Vitus Dancers - "The Survivor"
27 - Stegz - "Christus Erection"
28 - Metro Youth - "Brutalised"
29 - Normality Complex - "Black Market Shadow"
30 - Youth In Asia - "Power & the Glory"
31 - Riot Squad - "Security System"
32 - Destructors - "Agent Orange"
33 - The Pits - "U.K. in Dreamland"
34 - The Bored - "Riot Style"
35 - Toby Kettle - "Theatre Comment"
36 - Chumbawamba - "Three Years Later"
37 - Passion Killers - "Start Again"
38 - Amerikan Arsenal - "Get Off Yr Ass"
[MP3, 128 kbps]!8kYAXbCT!cibqSH3vBgMSRlY7RpF4ExGW-TR_JNbHaEcv6SRd3Og

The Cravats - (1982) [7''] - Rub Me Out
CRASS Records 221984/4 (7/82)
01 - Rub Me Out
02 - When Will We Fall?
[MP3, 320 kbps]!1pAB0CJD!VnGBYid1A6nJmKVVnLL_4CpiXJco8cuOw2cA6OLgAEI

Andy T - (1982) [7''] - Weary Of The Flesh
CRASS Records 221984/5 (10/82)
01 - Tomorrow?
02 - What About The Old?
03 - Dirty Squatters
04 - Tiny Revolutions
05 - Wasted Life
06 - Big Boys
07 - Death Is Big Business
08 - Man's Life
09 - Techno Cock
10 - Morbid Fascination
11 - Exploitation
12 - Family Joy
13 - Weary Of The Flesh
14 - Blood
+ osahuje další vinyl rip ve dvou stopách *:
01 - Side A
02 - Side B
[MP3, 128 kbps, *320 kbps]!5lxGAb5b!NAa2_Q7fz2rCFrBMXWHxLUJEeHpOcj_E6obzaxDqHeA

CRASS - (1982) [flexi] - Sheep Farming In The Falklands
CRASS Records Flexi  (82)
01 - Sheep Farming In The Falklands
[MP3, 320 kbps]!M5xA3aJY!GA-IRjGYLVvydGia67mSvlLiwdYQAXoA63rZg5kQhlw

CRASS - (1982) [7''] - How Does It Feel?
CRASS Records 221984/6 (10/82)
01 - How Does It Feel (To Be The Mother Of A Thousand Dead)?
02 - The Immortal Death
03 - Don't Tell Me You Care
[MP3, 192 kbps]!dxxkjRIT!IwsZ4gFJ_tuMn6nswcrAS3UTm2N7Jhce25sVQ9EK-BY

CRASS Records 221984/7 (82)
01 - Deaf In Reality
02 - SlaughterHouse Rock
03 - Canvey Island
04 - Bully
05 - Unemployment
06 - Another Filled Hole
07 - Democracy
08 - Public Execution
09 - Lables
10 - 6.35
11 - Master Race
12 - Land Of The Rising Sun
[MP3, 320 kbps]!dkIAHbBL!R5DJcShZgdEdsrp4OmfD7yXykHY1rjl8AVOzxn8cJr0

Alternative - (1982) [7''] - In Nomine Patri
CRASS Records 221984/8 (10/82)
01 - Anti Christ
02 - Warfear
03 - Whos Sussed
04 - Moral Bondage
[MP3, 192 kbps]!FxJUUTKA!UHg19QTYuWivxqLGMgNGmxD1hSF4sPm43HXaETPHONg

Anthrax - (1982) [7''] - Capitalism Is Cannibalism
CRASS Records 221984/9 (82)
01 - Capitalism Is Cannibalism
02 - Violence Is Violence
03 - Prime To Pension
04 - All Things Bright And Beautiful
[MP3, 192 kbps]!x0AQlRDb!Iu-aVjy_cmYBSFgbndA6SzqHfIlk_y3NV8L9G4eNTfk

Omega Tribe - (1982) [7''] - Angry Songs
CRASS Records 221984/10 (4/83)
01 - Another Bloody Day
02 - Profiteer
03 - Is This A Future?
04 - Time For Change
[MP3, 192 kbps]!d1xm1JAS!NukEw1mETSV8JKKh-9EvQXLHK9Ip-gTsUMLkpqd4ZWU

Sleeping Dogs - (1982) [7''] - Beware
CRASS Records 221984/11 (6/83)
01 - Same Old Song
02 - Concrete
03 - Suzy's Song
04 - (I Got My Tan In) El Salvador
05 - Soldier
[MP3, 160 kbps]!phhiCSAT!Tm7QmBLXgHcmBV_8qAuM5ETcIeEe_aO4GI3EE7g8BKM

Hit Parade - (1982) [7''] - Bad News
CRASS Records 221984/12 (83)
01 - Here's What You Find In Any Prison
02 - More Faces
03 - Bad News
04 - H Block
[MP3, 320 kbps]!M0JQzChb!Fps3OCmdOUjHqMQu1Ze9eXTGyV1rirakomlOa8e1EHg

D & V - (1982) [7''] - The Nearest Door
CRASS Records 121984/1 (10/83)
01 - Jekyll And Hyde
02 - Wake Up
03 - High Above
04 - Today's Conclusion
05 - Step Inside
06 - Dignity
07 - S21RN
[MP3, 320 kbps]!UggxWI7I!edSnxwC6LJspFzYf2wJhgg7WHwBHQIUAJPdv64z5Dxc

CRASS - (1983) [LP] - Yes Sir, I Will
CRASS Records 121984/2 (5/83)
01 - Yes Sir, I Will (part1)
02 - Yes Sir, I Will (part2)
03 - Yes Sir, I Will (part3)
04 - Yes Sir, I Will (part4)
05 - Yes Sir, I Will (part5)
06 - Yes Sir, I Will (part6)
07 - Yes Sir, I Will (part7)
[MP3, 192 kbps]!h5pU2Zxb!XH11qiDjZBERRDdJ-nz9bQV9UghnxJWBaGBv3tsPF-s

CRASS - (1983) [7''] - Sheep Farming In The Falklands
CRASS Records 121984/3 (5/83)
01 - Sheep Farming In The Falklands
02 - Got'cha
[MP3, 128 kbps]!RsRQQATQ!C4KIJRFwN0qaX3Y-hqUkyzVZhi5bK70a93D_U7K3uc0

CRASS - (1983) [7''] - Who Dunnit?
CRASS Records 121984/4 (7/83)
01 - Who dunnit?
02 - Government property
[MP3, 192 kbps]!RwJU2Yra!OsnAFmAhD3z6QMO-fSptQSgGKO4E4C0c9RtV5QysBJE

MDC - (1983) [7''] - Multi Death Corporations
CRASS Records 121984/5 (1/84)
01 - Multi Death Corporation
02 - Selfish Shit
03 - Radioactive Chocolate
04 - No Place To Piss
[MP3, 192 kbps]!V1gGiAja!ctda33Fvz5aZZ1vWiuVAIDq-3t4x6PUI8HCIFbbzVTE

Lack Of Knowledge - (1983) [7''] - Grey
CRASS Records 121984/6 (83)
01 - Another Sunset
02 - Girl In A Mask
03 - Radioactive Man
04 - We're Looking For People
[MP3, 320 kbps]!BlwmVYAL!JOvez1N8tHL6MzCIJRaK62mrXXsl8gVlws4eDWV6p8Y

CRASS - (1984) [7''] - You're Already Dead
CRASS Records 1984 7" (6/84)
01 - You're Already Dead
02 - Nagasaki Is Yesterday's Dog-End
03 - Don't Get Caught
[MP3, 192 kbps]!d8pmwbwS!RVo-AzIScik7Q-RZhbdn3lmmkZ954PPwJ5OXRL7T0NQ

K.U.K.L. - (1984) [LP] - The Eye
CRASS Records 1984/1 (9/84)
01 - Assassin
02 - Anna
03 - Open the Window and Let the Spirit Fly Free
04 - Moonbath
05 - Dismembered
06 - Seagull
07 - The Spire
08 - Handa Tjolla
[MP3, 320 kbps]!YkJSjJzA!XPE1KVLM3Bs6BN8dyOCxgCGXicNRfhDdbM9ZYsJvfqI

Hit Parade - (1984) [12'''] - Plastic Culture
CRASS Records 1984/207370 (2/85)
01 - Product Of The Troubles
02 - Media Song
[MP3, 320 kbps]!59RxhawT!OOKZSixyULskstgBUcuVAXSEW2py9Tz_A8jFZnSLVWY

v/a - Bullshit Detector Three (1984) [2LP]
CRASS Records 1984/3 (11/84)
LP 1:
01 - Avert Aversion - "Oh What a Nice Day"
02 - Awake Mankind - "Once Upon a Time"
03 - A Nul Noise - "Hibakusha"
04 - Animus - "Nuclear Piss"
05 - Peroxide - "Ministry of Death (M.O.D.)"
06 - Untitled - "We Are Taught How to Kill"
07 - Xtract - "Genocide"
08 - Verbal Assault - "Not Yet Ron"
09 - Fifth Column - "Counterfeit Culture"
10 - Potential Victims - "People"
11 - 7th Plague - "Rubber Bullets"
12 - Rebel A - "Genesis to Genocide"
13 - Alienated - "Living in Fear"
14 - Barbed Wire - "Weapons of War"
15 - Rob Williams - "Lies"
16 - Reality Control - "The War is Over"
17 - Youthanasia PX - "Power"
18 - Sammy Rubette & Safety Match - "The Ballot of Maggie the Maggot"
19 - Politicide - "51st State"
20 - Markus Abused - "The Killing Machine"
LP 2:
21 - One Man's Meat - "Your Country Misleads You"
22 - Direct Action - "Death Without a Thought"
23 - Crag - "Voice Your Protest"
24 - Attrition - "In Your Hand"
25 - Napalm Death - "The Crucifixion of Possessions"
26 - The Impalers - "Sun, Sun, Sun"
27 - Health Hazard - "Picture Show"
28 - Phil Hedgehog - "Radio Times"
29 - Malice - "Faceless"
30 - Michael Kingzett Taylor - "Paranoia"
31 - Brainwashed Pupils - "The Demonstration"
32 - No Defences - "Work to Consume"
33 - A.N.E.E.B. - "Berlin Wall"
34 - Carnage - "Carnage"
35 - Warning - "Beasts of Fiction"
36 - State Of Shock - "Excess Youth"
37 - Neale Harmer - "Hard Nut"
38 - Dead To The World - "Action Man"
39 - Dandruff - "Life In a Whiskey Bottle"
40 - Richard III - "Will You Care?"
41 - Funky Rayguns - "The Hare and the Tortoise"
[MP3, 128 kbps]!x4BTHKwb!CoRBFAHFCw1V4EVkAJ0cbgXz63gUoYHcCmmFFXusDp4

Penny Rimbaud - (1984) [LP] - Acts of Love
CRASS Records 1984/4 (84)
01 - 49 - 50 poems
+ obsahuje přílohu (.PDF): Acts of Love [book]
[MP3, 128 kbps]!gkQjFQ5R!bYDaTzQnHMYzwCI1VV5W8yaN7Mh02zmZTkHM6gE_1_A

CRASS Records CATNO 1 (85)
01 - Get Around Sound
02 - Al Sithi
03 - Waiting
04 - Goodbye 23 School Rule Blues
05 - Unstable Table
06 - Winter Warmer
07 - A New New Beginning
08 - Epsilon Estate
09 - Don't Ever Give In
10 - The Present Situation
11 - A Light Hearted Account
12 - The New Beginning
13 - Epsilon
14 - Sometimes
15 - Tomorrow Is Here
[MP3, 128 kbps]!FwJgGYYS!bvLjJF_lVZlxtMpyMJ7pYVhORkM6duYCQHS5DkBfyNE

Jane Gregory - (1984) [7''] - Do Not Go
CRASS Records CATNO 2 [DSS1004] (85)
01 - Do Not Go
02 - After A Dream
[MP3, 192 kbps]!U8ZwxDBZ!fyMIAAMYacK3oyg3HFuixgccHG9el742wmMCszBMQ3k

Lucky 7 - (1985) [7''] - Take Your Elbows Off The Table
CRASS Records CATNO 3 (unreleased, test pressings only)
01 - Take Your Elbows Off The Table (Choral Mix) *
02 - Take Your Elbows Off The Table (Orchestral Mix) *
* YouTube rip
[MP3, 128 kbps]!M5gEDRJa!TpHWRS5nVE53B4G5OB-YkCqwZURssAlsdDrpu1Zqs18

K.U.K.L. - (1986) [LP] - Holidays In Europe (The Naughty Nought)
CRASS Records CATNO 4 (86)
01 - Outward Flight (Psalm 323)
02 - France (A Mutual Thrill)
03 - Gibralter (Copy Thy Neighbour)
04 - Greece (Just By The Book)
05 - England (Zro)
06 - Holland (Latent)
07 - Aegean (Vials Of Wrath)
08 - The Homecoming (The Night)
[MP3, 320 kbps]!E45FXT4Y!Bfc9gGwrKC3a0ptibjr2cFTlaydB4SURpb_IVjhyVRs

CRASS - (1986) [2LP] - Best Before...1984
CRASS Records CATNO 5 (7/86)
LP 1:
01 - Do They Owe Us a Living?
02 - Major General Despair
03 - Angela Rippon
04 - Reality Asylum
05 - Shaved Women
06 - Bloody Revolutions
07 -Nagasaki Nightmare
08 - Big A Little A
09 - Rival Tribal Rebel Revel
LP 2:
10 - Sheep Farming In The Falklands
11 - How Does It Feel?
12 - The Immortal Death
13 - Don't Tell Me You Care
14 - Sheep Farming In The Falklands
15 - Gotcha
16 - You're Already Dead
17 - Nagasaki Is Yesterday's Dog-End
18 - Don't Get Caught
19 - Smash The Mac
20 - Do They Owe Us A Living? (Live)
[MP3, 192 kbps]!Y1BmTRyY!S1AHbzLujrKODIg4AH1-QnpFFWlr-300quu4Fgs8hlc

CRASS - (1986) [12''] - 10 Notes On A Summer's Day [CD, 1998 reissue]
CRASS Records CATNO 6 (11/86)
01 - 10 Notes On A Summer's Day
02 - The Swan Song
[MP3, 128 kbps]!UsoBBARS!KhRAXiS-pQrlsfqeuQA8M2VcNwVKm5UB8r2RspTxwkQ

Hit Parade - (1986) [LP] - Nick Knack Paddy Whack
CRASS Records CATNO 7 (86)
01 - What Friends
02 - When You See the Insanity
03 - Dare to Die
04 - Screaming At The Schemers
05 - Product Of The Troubles
06 - Nick Knack Paddy Whack
07 - Pills And Ills
[MP3, 128 kbps]!50IgBK7D!Z3yP5ltvLhZjsDRfiwYSQBO2ead-rX89OkLxwPwHl2o

v/a - A Sides (Part One. 1979-1982) (1992) [CD]
CRASS Records CATNO 8 (92)
01 - Honey Bane - Girl On The Run
02 - Zounds - Can't Cheat Karma
03 - Poison Girls - Promenade Immortelle
04 - Flux Of Pink Indians - Tube Disasters
05 - Annie Anxiety - Hello Horror
06 - The Snipers - The Parents Of God
07 - Captain Sensible - The Man Who's Gotten Everything
08 - DIRT - Hiroshima, Unemployment
09 - The Mob - No Doves Fly Here
10 - Conflict - Conflict
11 - Rudimentary Peni - Sacrifice
[MP3, 231-320 kbps]!dhZwDKzY!Z9su41bQCHuG9erN4dIWkh0nb3Ea1f6k_KKG8-OUtiI

v/a - A Sides (Part Two. 1982-1984) (1992) [CD]
CRASS Records CATNO 9 (92)
01 - The Cravats - Rub Me Out
02 - Andy T. - Various
03 - Alternative - Anti-Christ
04 - Anthrax - Violence
05 - Omega Tribe - Profiteer
06 - Sleeping Dogs - Concrete
07 - Hit Parade - Heres What You Find In Any Prison
08 - D & V - Jekyll And Hyde
09 - Lack Of Knowledge - Another Sun Set
10 - MDC - Selfish Shit
11 - Jane Gregory - Do Not Go
[MP3, 231-320 kbps]!N5JjlJ5Q!HNv-3SBQsNctDru9HiuknFUNDjw_5M5pEusZvzv7opM

Penny Rimbaud - [tape] (1992) - Christ's Reality Asylum
CRASS Records CATNO 10C (92)
01 - The Veil of Mother
02 - The Veil of Father
not found

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